Double & half time X 16 = Chinnngg
Actually it's still not worth it. Work in general is not worth it if we're talking about work in the job sense. Work is good otherwise- like in the energy X mass thing or whatever it is.
Whatever it is, IT IS.
I think I'll buy a new bike frame. Road. Because life is too short to clammer around on a carbon frame. I'm tempted to get another Curtlo, but 3? I already have a cross and a mtb Curtlo. The thought of it makes me feel uncomfortable. Like when you meet a new friend and you go frogging and rock-skipping and stuff like that. And then you're like, Hey, you should come to my family reunion. Then it gets wierd.
Predicted KBCXT Winners - 7 years in a row!
6 years ago
oddity, gunnar, volker titanium